Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mark 13:6-13, 1 Peter 4:12-16

The One! That one! Her! Trouble maker! Her poor kids! What's the problem? Geez! Those Picolet's! Don't be acquainted! Ignore! Move on! Disregard! Why bother? Yes, THE ONE! Heard about you! Good luck! Thank you, keep going....keep being THE ONE!! Glad it's you NOT me, will support you from a mile away, glad YOU are willing because I'm not. I've heard it all...for 4 LONG years!

I have been called many names, I have been ignored, and people have learned how to duck down low and RUN FAST (REALLY FAST) when they see me coming, I am "THE ONE" the common core misfit stirring up trouble. Yes, that is me, and trust me I do not want to do it and trust me I do not enjoy it!!!! I thought I left it in Colorado!!!! I CAN NOT DO THIS AGAIN GOD, PLEASE PICK SOMEBODY ELSE

Suffering....reading what happened to the disciples, reading about how Jesus gave sight to the blind, healed the lame and sick, fed 5,000, was slain and beaten on the cross for me and for our sin. Oh boy I can not imagine His pain and suffering to do what He had to do because it was the right thing to do for you and for me!!

I can not imagine what life was like for him being denied 3 times by Peter, sitting alone up there on the Mount praying to His father why people would not believe!! Could they not see His powerful MIRACLES?! Tangible evidence!

I can not compare but I can relate...I mourn and weep because people try harder to NOT believe the truth than to actually dig in and do their own research. We have information at our fingertips, we carry it everyday in our purse, in our pocket, information is instant and yet we know and research LESS than ever before. We read the first paragraph, the title, the first page, the opinions, and refuse to read the legal jargon, the copyright, the tangible evidence that this is a public license/public policy, first ever in US History, Federal Race To The Top $$$ Bribe, $175 MILLION taxpayer debts for Oklahoma alone....but yet the warm fuzzy opinion hides those facts so that instead a nice opinion instead can now be substituted for truth. It sound better that way, it's easier, it's less work to turn and walk away.

Parent consent is simply the notice that was sent home 3 years ago in 2011, assuming you received it and read it, even though you lived in another state. It is NO LONGER an actual signed consent form by the actual parent. I am scared Lord, I fear this generation being raised up without logic, in a world filled by regulation and laws instead of common sense, based on assumption instead of facts and truth, based on what makes you "feel good" about yourself NOT what is right, based on ignoring the problem rather than finding a solution, based on what's in it for me, based on EVERYTHING but integrity and ethics.

I can be THE ONE, THE ONE that will not comply, the one that will NOT consent to my child having his fingerprints scanned into the database that does not store the data because don't worry it's just a local server connected to the State Department of Education connected to the US Department of Education because it is all one big giant federally funded grant that the state of Oklahoma received!! But don't worry parent, it's just "biometrics" NOT fingerprinting!! Yes THAT ONE, who will not agree to all these things because my gut instinct says NO!!

I am at your mercy to be the one that follows Your lead but please protect me, give me perseverance and grace, give me strength and courage, give me Your words of wisdom, protect my kids from the ramifications, I WILL LIVE ON MY KNEES praying for this sadness to subside.

Thank you for your suffering for me, I get it Sir, I understand, I can't imagine watching my ONE and ONLY son be tortured. I can't imagine being hung up on that cross, suffering after all the great work you did!!

I will go on, I will follow my conviction but today I need You more than ever, I need you to guide my steps, and guide my words, because suffering is miserable.

I know what I am doing is right...Your affirmations and the people you send my direction are AMAZING! The connections, the stories, the places I have been, the people that contact me, but the suffering HURTS. The slander and rocks thrown still cause pain...not pain like the crown of thorns you wore, but pain because of the heartache, the lack of sleep, and the conviction to fight digs deeper than my ability to wake up EVERY SINGLE day, the sorrow of wanting to give up and walk away, begging God to please remove the experience and wisdom you know so you too could ignore the problem, BUT IT'S JUST NOT THAT EASY.

God has given me this purpose, I don't know why, I wish we did not live through what we lived through, I wish I did not know what I know, I wish my brain could be erased like a blackboard.

3AM is REALLY lonely, but I am grateful for this suffering because our family is closer than ever, I have new friends that send me encouraging messages like Bible verses, I read Your word and depend on it like NEVER before, I have discipled people and shared Your message of hope during times of darkness, I have learned about legislation and politics and stretched myself WAY out of my comfort zone, I have talked to Governors, Senators, and lawyers, scheduled 28 days worth of cookie bombs, seen parts of Oklahoma and made AMAZING warrior friends along the trail. I am no longer worried about my extra 10 pounds and instead am worried about the 10 verses that keep me inspired. THANK YOU God for this trial, for my suffering!!  

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